Essential oils to restore balance to the body, emotions and spirit without you having to think about it.
Custom Essential oils and blends can aid in supporting on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
The oils protect plants and the extracted oils work to protect us.
Divine Healing Blends by joanna – Custom Created Essential Oil Blends infused with Love
Custom roller ball blends are a blend of 5-7 essential oils intuitively chosen for you and your needs. $25 per 10 ml bottle roller ball or spray. They make great gifts, too!
“I love my custom blend of oils! I use it every day and has really helped my anxiety!” – Allie
Blends are intuitively created based you!
Blend names are based on what feeling you want the blend to inspire.
Divinely Healing Blends come with an affirmation and a list of each oil used and their emotional properties.
“I must say, these are so special.
I am really touched by the dissertation on the paper explaining what came to you when you made these. I just find these incredibly moving and deep.” JA
To order your Custom Divine Healing Blend, click here.
Feel free to call me if you are having questions at 215-272-6774.
Want to learn about essential oils in a class setting?
My Essential Oils classes are listed on the the class page.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are the protective oils of plants. These oils can assist our bodies to heal and restore balance. Each oil has its unique property both physical and emotional/spiritual.
Plants and oils have been used for thousands of years. They are therapeutic and supportive for all sorts of issues for every person including children, adults and athletes.
Essential oils help with physical issues, emotional issues, self-love/esteem issues, and pre-race/ presentation anxiety or sleep issues to name a few.
They often work within minutes of application on the skin or diffused.
If you have a reaction to the oils (headaches, rashes), it can be a sensitivity, an internal toxicity issue or you are not using a pure therapeutic oil. Rashes can often be from using too much too often.
Some of my favorites essential oils are OnGuard (protective blend), Bergamot (self-acceptance and self-love), Geranium (Love & Trust), Ylang Ylang (inner Child) and Lemongrass (for muscle tightness and Cleansing!)
Most oils can be used topically or aromatically, some can be ingested. I only use therapeutic grade oils can be ingested.
If you want to purchase essential oils directly online, please click here.
Immune Boosting oils:
OnGuard, Breathe, Cardamon(for asthma, too), Melaleuca, Oregano and more.
Seasonal Allergies oils: diffuse 3 drops each night
Lavender, eucalyptus and lemon together. You can also apply on feet or diffuse.
My Essential Oils Recommendation for Athletes:
OnGuard, Lemongrass, AromaTouch, Deep Blue, Lavender, Melaleuca, Ginger, Clove and Breathe. I would also consider Frankincense and Melaleuca for swimmers ear, and Balance or Lavender pre-race or event.
See detailed list here in My Athletes Favorites.
For Grieving process oils:
Geranium (for a broken heart), Helichrysm (for pain), Frankincense, Lavender, Thyme (for letting go) and Serenity (for calm sleep) among others.
AromaTouch Technique:
This is a new offering which applies different essential oils, to address stress, toxicity, inflammatory response and autonomic nervous system response. It is a powerful way to stimulate the bodies natural ability to heal by aiding the body meridians and energy points to bring the body into balance.
Sessions are about an hour and are $45 per session.
I apply the oils on your hand using the AromaTouch hand technique.
You will feel balanced, relaxed and rejuvenated. Sessions can be done weekly or monthly.