Inflammation is known as the body’s healthy immune system response. It is healthy. It is normal. Yet, when it becomes chronic, we have to help you turn off the inflammation so you can do more things!

“… it is possible to define inflammation more broadly as a protective response, involving the activation of immune and non-immune cells, in response to an insult such as infection, toxic compounds, damaged cells, or irradiation, with the aim to restore tissue homeostasis. …”
How do you know you have chronic inflammation? Take the Inflammation Checklist Quiz
If you have any of these symptoms for longer than 3 months, and if you have multiple ones.
- Pain – including joints, headaches, migraines and body pain
- GI distress including severe or sudden reactions to foods
- Arthritis – both rheumatoid and osteo
- Wounds, cuts or bruises that won’t heal
- Over-weight
- Long Covid symptoms – immune system is in overdrive 🙁
What else can an inflammatory diet help?
- Recovery from athletic or other injury
- Improved preparation and quicker recovery from surgery, especially join replacement (hip, knees, etc)
- Your joints tell you when it will be raining or get achy when temperatures suddenly drop in cold months
- You feel old and creaky or
- You get frequent colds and seem to catch everything that comes along
What we do in our sessions together:
- Review food logs to see patterns of foods contributing to symptoms. We replace them with safe foods.
- Replace most inflammatory foods and replace with safe alternatives.
- Add anti-inflammatory foods including the JShake Anti-Inflammatory Elixir
- Include prayer ministry and emotional healing as needed as pain is often an unresolved emotional event.
- After 2 months of elimination, we start to re-introduce offending foods to find your tolerance
Within 2 months or 4 sessions, if we meet every other week, you will feel zero pain (like I did before my hip replacement – all the pain disappeared and 10 years later, only emotional issues trigger discomfort but not pain), you’ll have more energy, you’ll be able to do all the activities you were avoiding and you’ll also look 10 years younger! Are you ready for that??
Are you ready to feel your best? Grab your Anti-Inflammatory package now for $775 USD
If you just want to take supplements, please go to
or (if you want more than just metagenics) and look at:
- SPM Active, Inflavanoid IC or Inflavanoid IC Rapid and OmegaGenics 1000. (for pain and auto-immune), UltraInflamX shake
- Ultra Flora Immune, Ultra Potent C (for frequent colds)
Also look for Microbiome labs’ Megaviron for flu recovery - For post antibiotic treatment, take Microbiome Labs’ Restore RD, Restore Flora and Megaspore biotic (3 month protocol) and Metagenics’ Ultra Flora BiomePro (4 hours before or after spore biotics)
- For GI issues, microbiome labs’ Gut restoration kit, Megaspore biotic, MegaGuard (for GERD and slow gut motility), BiomeFx stool kit or Metagenics GI Restore