Whether you know it or not, athletes tend to have disordered eating which I define as Eating Disorder tendencies. These athletes can be endurance athletes, swimmers, gymnasts, dancers, triathletes, weight lifters, or athletes in sports where weight and appearance are measured for competition purposes.
Teens are most affected yet adults can also have these tendencies and can get obsessed with body image for the sake of performance or appearance.
Do you do more training so you can eat more? Fixated on achieving a calorie deficit?
Do you diet often so you can lose weight and run faster? look better in your triathlon suit?
Do you create new food rules to try to drop a few pounds?
Are you only happy with your body when it is at a specific weight or size?
These are signs of disordered eating, yet not diagnosable as anything more serious than being considered as disordered eating.
Looking back at my own athletic career, I was doing this disordered eating thing until I learned to make peace with my body, its flaws and start to love my body just the way it was – athletic with thighs that were strong.
My job is to help you stop the disordered eating tendencies so you never do develop a full blown eating disorder, or help you continue you recovery from an Eating Disorder! As a Level 4 Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, I will create the safe space for you to be heard so you can start listening to the intuitive voices in your heart rather than the voices of the enemy. I want you to be the healthiest athlete you can be.
As you explore the symptoms, uncover the emotional triggers from childhood experiences (ACES) and make peace with your food, your family and your body, you will be able to live your life where you love your body, love your sport and love your life. There will only be room for love and no more room for disordered eating behaviors. You’ll learn the tools you need to differentiate between both voices and no longer be triggered.
Take the Do You or Your Child have Eating Disorder Tendencies quiz. If you get a score over 4, I recommend you schedule time so we can implement the Be Whole program with you so you can make peace with your food, your body and your life. Anything score over 13, and you may need treatment at a facility.
“Joanna has been such a bright light in my life.
If you could use improvement in any part of your health or life, I recommend sitting down with Joanna.
You will not regret it! She is the true definition of a life coach. <3” – SS
Are you ready to start the Be Whole program so you can be whole body healthy? Click here to get started with the initial forms.

Joanna has completed level I, II, II and IV of the EDIT (Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy) training and certification as an Eating Disorder Recovery Coach.
The EDIT program helps client to listen more to the inner voices from God rather than the voices of the enemy which tell you lies about who you are.