Space Clearing & Blessings
As an ordained minister through The Church of The Movement of Inner Awareness, Joanna can perform a Space Blessing to clear stagnant energies in your space or environment. During the process, a divine column of Light is anchored into your space or dwelling so your space flows with loving, abundance, laughter and safety. Any negativity is immediately transmuted to unconditional love and taken to the nothingness from which it came.
What remains is positivity and a space infuse with peace, loving and harmony for all who reside, work or pass through the space or dwelling.
Environments – your home, your office, your space – can hold energy. This can result in both a positive and negative influence of those who inhabit or pass through the space. This can influence the productivity, creativity and mood of all who enter.
As we clear the space and anchor in the blessing, the energy is shifted where only loving, peace, oneness and calm can be felt. The drama seems to vanish instantly.
In addition to the Space Blessing, Joanna incorporates customs Aroma-Vibrational sprays which include specific essential oils, gem elixirs and intention to aid in the process. One spray is to clear negative influences, while the second is for setting the harmony of that space. You will have a spray to use after the blessing to use whenever you feel a boost is needed.
The whole process with clearing typically runs 90 minutes.
Space blessings are $250 (plus driving time depending on distance)
Simple Clearing of individuals residing in the space – $50 pp additional (animals are included free)
Advanced Clearing with Emotional Release techniques – $100 pp additional