Are you fueling for your run? your ride? your recovery? Fueling right is not just throwing calories in based on your expenditure. Anyone can do that and probably just gain weight from eating too much! If you change the focus to fueling….you change the game and outcome.
What you eat day before, during and after your exercise sessions … you want to look at all these aspects when fueling. And if you don’t know what to do, you need to call me! If what you are doing now isn’t working….you need to call me rather than continue with the suffering and inability to recover for your next day, especially if you do both a Saturday and Sunday long workout sessions!
I want YOU to enjoy your training and racing, not slog through the training or racing sessions. I want you to have fun with it, not be despondently trudging through the miles. Part of that includes knowing how to fuel your body to do what you want it to do.
Here is an example of my past Sunday with Mark …..on our long 64 hilly miles on the bike….breakfast of eggs, potatoes roasted and spinach….with plenty of sea salt. And Base Salts. (use code NIM 18 for your discount!) All this 2 hours before the ride. (you need time to digest!)
Had more Base Salts and half an RX Bar, too about 20-25 miles in (about 90 minutes in). Mark had the other half. Stopped for coffee and cheese filled danish at mile 33….hills hills and more hills. I ate more than I should have but I figured, ‘if HE is eating it and drinking coffee….I need it too!” (not sure that was the right decision always but I got away with it. He had more spunk right after than I did, but I was the locomotive holding the pace later.)
Made it back with more hills, 2 bottles drank and more base salts at least for me (I have done my sweat testing with levelen to know my sodium and electrolyte levels. (Use NIM code for 15% off). For a 4 hour ride, we only did drink 2 x 24 ounce bottles mostly because it was cold out. But every 20 minutes we should have drank something. should.
Afterwards we replenished with the left over roasted potatoes from breakfast with sea salt. Really tasty at room temperature! (this is part of planning ahead! lol)
An hour or so later…Cape Cod chips with some manchego cheese, then dinner of beef burgers (no buns), some roasted potatoes and a lot of broccoli with butter and sea salt. And a little prosecco to celebrate an amazing ride. (Yeah, we like to celebrate) oh, and a chocolate for dessert.
Monday morning, I thought everything would be stiff and achy and they were not! Mark said he felt good, too!
Must be the recovery meal afterwards within an hour of finishing that ride that did the trick.
Was I spunky? No, but nothing aches and that is an amazing thing! If you plan the ride, you have to plan the eating and fueling for the ride! (or run or the next day when you do it again!)
Do you ever think about your recovery meal and consider the timing or the combinations to help you do better the next day? Are you fueling your runs, rides, recovery or double days? It may be time to start.
Check out the video below, and check out the Table To Race options, too – one of my ultra runners just contacted me saying they needed my help.
When I mentioned a few of the symptoms of dehydration, she said ‘You just described the second half of my run!” “I am so glad I know you – I know you can fix me!”
Fueling is just a part of that fix 🙂