Message of Love – Valentines Day 2017
Why show love for just one day?
Why show people you love them for just one day called Valentine’s Day?
We should learn to show love all the time as well.
Remember to share love not just through cards and flowers or chocolate, but through daily giving of gifts and appreciation.
These gifts can be as simple as making the coffee for the morning while you partner sleeps a bit longer, so it is ready when they do wake…Bless the food and pour love into it while you are cooking! This will ensure the meal will be infused with love (and taste better) and can be done even when you are dining alone…for you must show yourself how much you love yourself, too!!
Take the time to write a hand written note or card.
Take the time to pick up the phone and call your loved ones – your parents, your siblings, your friends – and just to say “I love you” not just today but every day.
Take the time today to write yourself a love letter…..Just close your eyes, breathe deeply for 3 breaths or more…..Then allow the words to flow with
‘I love you when ___________________________ and fill in the blank
‘I love you because _________________________,
‘I love you when ____________________________
‘I love you because _________________________,
‘I love you when ____________________________
‘I love you because _________________________,
‘I love you when ____________________________
‘I love you because _________________________,
‘I love you when ____________________________
and keep going for 10 minutes.
You may be the first person that needs to show yourself love first….not just today but every day.
Once you can find that love of self, it will be so much easier for you to love others as well….not just for the big things they do, but for every little thing and for just being around so you can share the love together in the funny, silly, playful or heartfelt ways.
Start with today, Valentine’s Day to love yourself more.
Then this love will spill over so you love others more as well.
Honor yourself with foods and activities that nourish your body, mind and soul.
Feel that new love you have found for yourself, and feel how even just a few words of love and encouragement to yourself can have the biggest change on your feelings. Feel how your heart just expanded and the warmth expands into the core of your being. You may not always feel that love from within, but it sure is nice to get both the love from within as well as the love from others.
Start with loving you and allow others to love that real you, too.
hugs today and always xo
your loving guides, John, Wayne, Mary and Ariadne