Are you training for an endurance event and wonder why some of your long rides or runs you feel great, while others you feel like you are running on empty?
A client just came in this past week for a Race Day Nutrition session. They had done some sessions in the spring to help dial in hydration and fueling.
But on the long 20 mile run last weekend, the legs just did not cooperate. They felt sluggish and just ‘dead’. Then a sudden ‘OMG, I am starving!” urge came on within 2 hours of starting this 4-5 hour training session.
They ate pretty much every speck of food they brought!
I had the job of finding out why this had happened!
I figured it out as what they had the day of, morning or and what they had packed all seemed to be working.
“I figure out what my best breakfast is: 2 eggs with toast.”
(this is what I teach you to do – play with breakfasts and pay attention which breakfast you feel best eating. I provide some options to make this guessing game less shooting darts in the dark!).
So if breakfast and during hydration and food was ok, then what was it??
It had to be what was eaten the day before.
So I asked about what carbohydrates were eaten the day before??
“Black eyed peas from my garden. All day.” Which is great to get things fresh and from your own garden. but….when it comes to fueling for performance, legumes may not be the best choice for energy the next day.
Legumes and beans can be a good source of carbohydrates, I have also found that they are terrible for the day before either a race or long workout session scheduled for the next day. Legs just feel tired and sluggish. And yeah, 2 hours later you are starving!
This Sunday I did the faux pas of eating the day before a long ride. Had friends over for dinner. And had an ounce of tomato pie (with my Gluten Digest enzyme of course) but no potato or other carb except some dark chocolate covered cranberries and a glass of wine. Hmmm, well at about 2 hours into my 55 mile ride, I was guessed it… starving!! Ate both baked potatoes and about 8 dates. But it carried me for the remaining 2 hours on the bike 🙂
You must pick your carbs wisely the day before long workouts!
Funny how you learn from your own experiences even though you know better! Yes, I am human, too. And even when I don’t do it right, I know better for next time and I can help YOU not repeat the experiences.
At least you know what does not work 🙂
I help you narrow the choices or causes.
If you have an event coming up, consider a Race Day Nutrition session or the 4-session package. I help you train better, so you can race better! And not feel like you are running on empty!