So many see the New Year as “New Year, New You!” and make resolutions.
- I want to lose weight
- I want to feel better
- I want to stop eating so much sugar
But these resolutions can feel restricting and when I work with you, I would prefer you feel free!
Free of the stress and unhealthy patterns that are keeping you not feeling well.
Free to do what you want without limitations of GI distress, arthritis or pain (and yes, this is one of mine!)
What if you could just be a better version of yourself? New year, Better you?
What if you asked yourself:
- Why do I want to ______ ? (lose weight, feel better, stop eating sugar, ride my bike more consistently, get stronger, have more faith, play tennis again, complete a triathlon, compete again, etc)
- What will I be able to do as a result (pick up the grandkids, play with my kids, have more endurance, ride my bike with groups vs solo, lift more stuff, have more energy, have more fun!, etc)
- How do I want to feel as a result of this? (happy, strong, content, supported, free, fulfilled, etc)
- How will it make me feel if I don’t do it? (desperate, despondent, alone, like a failure, fat and giggly, depressed, isolated, etc)
So I ask you: How DO you want to feel this year?
Maybe it’s time to not make resolutions you can break, but ask yourself those above questions.
Next, connect to how you want to feel. Visualize yourself doing what you want – how does that feel? Maybe this will be what you want to jot down in response to the questions above.
Now you can ask yourself:
- What do I need to do now in order to create that feeling?
Often we create these ‘I won’t do x, y or z anymore’ resolutions and it lasts a day maybe a week or more.
Sometimes knowing what you don’t want can also help you figure out what it is you DO want. I know it has helped me in the past with my goal setting.
Now that you have decided how you want to feel, it may inspire you to stay true to your action steps towards the goal.
It may spur you to do your action steps rather than forget about them after a week.
Would remembering how you want to feel make it easier to focus on what to do in the present moment, so that you create consistency, baby steps and momentum so your goal actualizes??
It’s not a new way of thinking, but it may be new for many reading this. Some will even create a vision board with pictures or words explaining what they want. It serves as a reminder to you on what it is you want to do.
This is what I do with my clients as they don’t need more rules….they just need to improve the relationship with themselves, their past and their food ….
which then creates peace from within and everyone is happier. You pick food you love and loves you back. You pick movement that you love and makes you feel amazing and maybe movement that makes you feel grounded and fit and just plain alive!
You’ll make choices that bring you joy, because joy is often what it is we crave. The resolutions seem to take joy away and create restrictive patterns as well as self-loathing and punishment. Your food and exercise should serve to fuel you, bring enjoyment when you eat it and enough energy so you feel great for hours to come. No guilt, not over-exercising, no purging, just plain enjoyment.
What if you could be be present to the blessings and joy? That was a big lesson for me this year – to look at that is going right, the progress with my hip and not look at what I do not have yet – not to look at the mountain ahead but at the present moment and what needs to be done. This is not easy although ‘simple’. I can do it pretty well with my hip and body, but with other aspects of my life, I find it elusive.
But this year, I continue to incorporate that into my work and daily life so I can feel more accomplished. I can put the fears and doubts aside of what others think and just do what I do best. (a topic for another day…)
So how do YOU want to feel this year??
If need help figuring out how to get to how you want to feel or how to be present so you can get the answers from within/God, reach out. Setup at with this link or the Contact us form and we’ll help you be your best athlete and a better human being this year.