The journey to wellness is not about leaps and bounds, but consistent small steps and progress. That can be a hard ‘pill’ to swallow.
With my arthritis in the right hip, I have had to focus on what it is I need to do every day to make progress. Every day I have to evaluate where it is I am, and make decisions base on that. I try not to overdo it so I don’t relapse and go seemingly backwards.
I am working with a client who has stomach issues, which they realized yesterday in our Be Whole session, that they were actually contributing to the issue. 

When they feel good, they either do too much, eat too much, add too much raw apple cider vinegar or drink too much wine (like the whole bottle) or too much cinnamon (because a little felt good).
We have talked about moderation but we are also working with someone who has the ‘if a little is good, then more is better!” mindset. This is fine if you want temporary results.
From my adrenal exhaustion days, I recall how I would feel really good, and go ride my bike for 2 hours….only to feel lousy for the next 3-6 days. It was a horrible cycle and feels so defeating. I knew I had to change something.
I realized, like my client did yesterday (he had the aha!), that I (and he) needed to change our way of thinking and look at this as doing what it is I need to do every day, so I can string together first 1 good day, then 2-3, then and week, and 30 days of feeling good. Once I did that, I was able to make progress and let my body heal.
This is how healing works. It is focusing on the progress, but even when you feel better, do the minimum you have to do to continue the progress. Continue with the small steps so you can make progress daily. Focus on what you have to do now, or just today!
What do you have to do today to continue the progress for your journey to wellness?
Because relapses suck. They really do.
But they may just be a reminder to change how you view the issue and an opportunity to feel better with consistent small steps and being present to what is (and what you need now).
But they may just be a reminder to change how you view the issue and an opportunity to feel better with consistent small steps and being present to what is (and what you need now).
If you are relapsing, maybe it is time to make that mind shift, or schedule your chat so we can figure out if you need a Be Whole session or just the energy work to help clear the blocks to healing.
Your journey to wellness starts now with identifying what consistent small steps you need to take!