Holidays can be stressful and you may find you are triggered easily with family gatherings.
We can get triggered by others comments as we feel criticized, especially criticism from family.
When we get triggered, we feel stressed. We feel defensive. We feel dismissed.
Sometimes we end up staying silent and just eat to keep the peace.
We react because we don’t like being criticized….and that sets up bickering at the holiday gatherings with family. We feel like we have to fight back.
You can change your reaction.
Try to breathe, connect with your heart and ask for diving guidance as to what to say. You may be surprised at what comes out!
Respond lovingly so you create harmony.
When we get triggered, we feel stressed. We feel defensive. We feel dismissed.
Sometimes we end up staying silent and just eat to keep the peace.
We react because we don’t like being criticized….and that sets up bickering at the holiday gatherings with family. We feel like we have to fight back.

You can change your reaction.
Try to breathe, connect with your heart and ask for diving guidance as to what to say. You may be surprised at what comes out!
Respond lovingly so you create harmony.
It really works.
I have witnessed it myself and with clients that they can have enjoyable conversations without the drama or without feeling criticized by family members with the emotional release sessions.
These session help minimize your reactivity. They strengthen you so you become immune to criticism, and can choose loving responses more easily.
Make this holiday more loving for you and your loved ones. Schedule your emotional release technique session today.
You can also download the Harmony thru the holidays hand out from the workshop last week for more suggestions and tools to use.
Happy Harmonious Holidays to you!