This weekend while teaching swim lessons, I saw many people I also know doing their own swim training. It was a bit like social hour!
I loved it and seeing them 🙂
Then one guy commented
“You look great! All skinny and all….wait, that is meant to be a good thing!”
Kinda funny, I actually hate being called skinny. I find it an insult rather than a compliment. It feels like an unhealthy of a label, rather than something I should aspire to. Skinny is too thin in my opinion.
And I am not skinny, I am just healthy for me and my body.
Just so you know….I did accept it as the compliment it was intended to be!
For the record:
I am still my same weight for the past 30+ years…and wear the same size jeans.
I eat what I want, and eat til I am comfortable, and I eat when hungry.
I love what I eat.
I eat what I love. I love to eat chocolate, too!
I feel good about myself regardless of what I eat although I choose to eat foods that also make me feel good and avoid those that don’t.
I love taking care of me which includes eating right, moving right, sleeping right and doing my emotional release techniques to lessen and eliminate stress.
I do an anti-inflammatory nutrition protocol because I feel better eating that way and staying away from sugar and wheat. My joints thank me for that, too! I have less aches and pains as a result.
I do the things I love to do, including my work as intuitive nutrition therapy coach helping others love the skin they are in and teaching swim lessons.
I choose happiness and joy and being loving to myself and others as much as possible. I try to be around others who vibrate at the same vibrational frequency….but I also inspire others to choose better and choose their own joy and happiness. Heck, I even help them see the beauty and blessings in situations they feel stressed or triggered by!
More awesome is that I get paid for that in my work!
I aspire to be healthy inside and out and do what I can to be so. I choose it.
I crave it. I also work at it. It is my habit of choice.
To some I may look skinny….but my “healthy” is by my choice to be loving to myself …loving enough to do what I need to do to look my best.
I am not naturally thin. I have had to overcome food phobias and body image issues which also resulted in unhealthy food choices and excessive training. But I have made peace with food, my body and actually advanced to loving by body and my food. It brings me joy even when injured.
I aspire to be healthy and dispel the myth that you get heavy after 50 or after menopause. Heck, am almost 54! and people still think I look like I am 44. I like that 🙂
I am not skinny. I am healthy for me and the body I am in. And thank you for the compliment Michael! I really do appreciate it. I also know that you know that I work at it….which is why you had to say ‘I meant that in a good way!” haha
I just hate being called skinny.