As I was reflecting on 2023, I decided it was a challenging year for me. Finding blessings in the challenges was often a struggle.
Yet, I learned quite a bit about myself, about God and my family.
I may have felt alone….but God and Jesus always loved me even when I did not realize it.
Sitting here, reflecting again on 2023…Lots of challenges with the death of my Mom only 8 months after my Father left us.
Family dynamics change and lots of trips to Chicago to clean out the house, gathering things I didn’t want to be lost to donations or selling…
I learned quite a lot about family and about myself.
Probably the biggest lesson learned is that I am not responsible for anyone’s reactions or responses….
Probably the biggest lesson learned is that I am not responsible for anyone’s reactions or responses….
I am not responsible for how others show love…
I just need to be my authentic self, love as Jesus loves me and lead from my heart.
I needed to learn this so I can help my clients embrace it, too since so much of my work is to help you make peace with your past, your body and your food. Realizing this allowed the burden of making relationships work no longer my burden! And so I don’t have to use food for for comfort. I don’t have to use exercise as a form of comfort. I can just be.
I just need to be my authentic self, love as Jesus loves me and lead from my heart.
I needed to learn this so I can help my clients embrace it, too since so much of my work is to help you make peace with your past, your body and your food. Realizing this allowed the burden of making relationships work no longer my burden! And so I don’t have to use food for for comfort. I don’t have to use exercise as a form of comfort. I can just be.
As I reflect on 2023, I realized I grew closer to God and Jesus and know they are always with me even when I don’t think they are.
They have been helping me along this journey of life and I am grateful for all my challenges for each one made me grow.
They have been helping me along this journey of life and I am grateful for all my challenges for each one made me grow.
Even in the darkness, I was shown light.
I was shown who my true friends are and what to really focus on…gratitude for what I have and not the gap of what is missing. That was something I had to repeatedly remember.
I learned to be intimate with Jesus and others around me…and if other people do not want to share intimacy in friendship or relationship, I no longer need to work at making it work. Your response is not my responsibility, but mine sure is.
So moving into the final hours, I am grateful for the challenges that expanded my heart, my mind and my faith and trust in the Lord.
I am grateful for the memories I did create when I could have chosen to do stuff around the house. I chose friends because ‘stuff’ will always be there, but the opportunity to be with friends will not.
Next year, in 2024, I will continue to seek light if darkness comes, choose friends, laughter and making memories whenever the opportunity is there.
And I will continue to be a light even when it doesn’t feel so light…as I know Jesus won’t ever let me let go of his hand. And He really is the Light of the world! not just my world.
And I will not let others dim my light so I can be consistent on posting, blogging, speaking and hopefully inspiring others to whole body health.
Happy Blessed New Year to all!
What did you learn as you are reflecting on 2023? Please comment below! Or send me an email.