How we nourish ourselves is based on how we feed ourselves and which foods we choose.
Where does your food come from?
A plant that grow in the ground at a local farm? a processing plant? a local farm or a farm cross country?
Or maybe your food came out of a box or foil lined plastic bag.
The foods we choose may have a huge impact on how we feel. I have worked with clients using Nutrition Response Testing and Detox Plan to help reduce the processed foods and increase the intake of real food.
Real food is not usually in a box. Although there are some products that are just easier purchased than made yourself at home. I am just leery when I see something about ‘Meatless Meatballs’ made from “Cultured Meat Cells’… that really going to be nourishing food?
I understand how animal slaughter can be seen as inhumane. I have never seen it and I really don’t want to, but I would prefer nicer methods so the animals don’t suffer. But aren’t many of them suffering in the confines of their farms? How does being squished in a cage, or pen or building make for a happy cow, pig or chicken? What are they being fed? Corn and soy to

fatten them up quickly for some (and will fatten you up, too?). But they don’t go outside to play in the grass, roll in it, eat it and the vegetation and bugs along with it. They are not happy animals. Just like us humans, they like to move and be in the sunshine or get depressed. (You probably get depression hormones from these poor animals). I would prefer not to eat these animal products regularly.
There is a farm by me where I call it the ‘lazy cow farm’. I don’t know what they feed these cows, but they are not roaming into the grass. They are not running anywhere. I can ride my bike past this farm and 90 minutes later, the cows are still in the same spot. Hmm. In the mud and not in the field of grass eating it. They are sick looking and sitting…not even standing! Compared to most other farms near where I ride, where cows are roaming all over the place, eating, playing, soaking in the sun – these are happy cows! And sometimes they are in mud too, but they go play and move on. Here is a video of happy cows. You can see how healthy and robust they look, too! Their coats are nice and shiny. I would eat their meat and drink their milk.
If I were to pick milk from either farms, I would never go to the lazy cow farm even if it were local. I am worried I would get some dreaded ailment based on the drugged out cows. I would pick happy cow farm products – dairy, meat, butter. They are also with more healthy fat profile, less and better fats – the essential 3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation. The lazy cows (and non- organic industrial chickens) have a much higher fat content you can see. And this fat is more inflammatory. Happy cows have more anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids. You can taste the difference, too.
And this goes for almost everything I choose. If I can choose local and happy based on growing conditions of my plants, vegetables and meats. I will and do. Otherwise I do go to the grocery store and buy what I can that is closest to real food. It is a choice, but my future and current health depends on my choices now – with food, exercise, thoughts and sleep. I choose to find balance and feed my body, mind and soul starting with healthy nutrition.
Where does your food come from?
Let me know in the comments below.
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