Having an arthritic hip has been a challenge. But arthritis doesn’t have to be a death sentence ending in surgery and joint replacement. It has layers to unravel, which take time, but seeing progress and truly increasing function feels like a small miracle – I feel like I am igniting my body’s agility to heal.
In December, I had an xray done and yes, I have osteoarthritis. Again. But in the other hip.
It was depressing at first to get that diagnosis, but then I decided this was my opportunity to figure out how to ignite the body’s innate ability to heal. I already know I can get a hip replacement, and that is all the doctor recommended.
Seriously? I want a more natural approach and I am going to figure out how to do that.
I knew the anti-inflammatory diet was a huge part of it and live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. I learned that from my first hip degenerating over 7 years ago. That will never change. Using the turmeric and copaiba essential oils and my JShake Anti-inflammatory Elixir is a daily thing. And I will not give that up. But there has to be a way to reverse the degeneration or at least stop it.
I also noticed that my femur is rotated in the xray…and so is the hip bone.So I have spent months correcting that not just with PT, but intuitively, I get clues as to what to do. That included single leg exercises at the gym, bands across the thighs while riding the bike trainer and a few others I cannot explain. They just helped.
For the past 2 years I feel like I am in hip rehab. I may be in shape by normal people standards, but as an elite athlete, I am so out of fitness it makes me laugh and cry.
This weekend was a first where when I went biking Sunday, I felt like I am starting to access my power again. And I am ready to start doing hill repeats to gain more strength. They make me feel alive. I also did not have pain in my hip later that day or the next day.
I started lifting at the gym in December and that too feels soooo good! I may get my buff arms and shoulders back this summer Not going to let this arthritis slow me down anymore.
Some days I feel like nothing is working and I am a fool to think I can regenerate my hip. But then I keep doing the myosource band exercises, keep doing the anti-inflammatory diet, keep doing the energy work to receive healing and release the genetic imprints as well as the emotional trauma from my own childhood experiences or prior lifetimes.
I just keep riding my bike, keep doing my yoga, keep rebuilding the microbiome (this has been a huge step in reversing the degeneration), and keep asking God for direction.
and He says ‘keep going and keep receiving the healing you seek’.
I am starting to feel like me again and am not constantly thinking about hip rehab but doing what I love to do and things that makes me feel alive.
Soon I hope to be back playing tennis, riding my bike with groups and friends in the 15 mph group, and dancing in high heels with ease!
Arthritis doesn’t have to be a death sentence. This natural healing is not always easy but it is rewarding as I do more with each passing week rather than less as most people with arthritis. Yes, I have been blessed with diligence and determination to heal my body naturally….so I can help others heal naturally.
If you know anyone who has arthritis, there is a way to ignite your body’s ability to heal. It’s just unraveling the layers to get there. Arthritis doesn’t have to be a death sentence and we can show you how to make it optimistic vs debilitating.
I invite you to join the webinar on Natural Pain Relief! I hope it will be a monthly event on the 3rd Thursday of each month so please share! Post your questions below or schedule your own 30 minute chat to discuss your situation and see if working together makes sense.
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