It’s often an excuse my clients use….but they have more healthy options than you think and more than I thought!
As the video below shows, I was intending to make dinner for my BF and me….upon arriving at his place, he suggests we go out instead either to the pizza place or Wawa.
I can choose healthier anywhere. it might not always fit my exact desires, but I thought….”they probably have a packaged chicken ceasar – I can eat that!”
I had no idea until last night you can order custom salads!
I had a pre-made chicken ceasar one in my hand…but BF looked at me like ‘uhm, you gonna trust the freshness on that?? Let’s see if you can make a custom salad…”
“ok” says me – the perpetual adventurer…with food, too!
So I built my own custom one! So yummy with kale, sunflower seeds, bacon, feta and chicken…ceasar dressing on side. This was not my actual salad – silly me will have to go buy another and take a photo. Found this surfing.
Who knew? Did you and forget to tell me??
What healthy thing to you get when you are there??
Maybe you need help with the choices on the ‘build your meal’ screen?
Invite me with you – We can do a Skype, iPhone Facetime, Facebook Messenger or maybe even Zoom video to help walk you thru as you order.
or i will meet you there and you can buy me lunch! haha
If you want healthier options? It is getting easier even at convenience stores! At least at Wawa.
And no, my BF wanted no part of it….which will be a topic for a different video – when you are ‘starving’ and go to Wawa…what would you pick? Feel free to let me know!
It probably is NOT a kale salad or salad of any kind. sigh.