Being loving to self can be a challenge. We are human. We have emotions.
We learn through criticism in our childhood and learn what is right and wrong. We often carry this fear of criticism into adulthood as we learned to mask parts of who we are so we could be accepted.
If you have been following me for a few years, or just joined us recently, you may have seen my tagline change from Real athletes, Real food, Real results to Fueling athletes fun and fulfillment by balancing body, mind, spirit and sport. And now, Transforming athletes to love the skin they are in by harmonizing body, mind, spirit and sport.
Often, we are not that nice to ourselves and berate ourselves.
I have noticed, it is all related to this childhood criticisms that need healing.
This unresolved childhood issue will create physical issues in the adult body. This tension stays in the body’s energy field until we release it.
We help you undo the damaging effects of stress to your physical body.
We help you move through these physical issues with compassion, love and understanding. Sometimes it is the childhood issues we need to help heal.
What I have learned, is that there is an emotional, mental and spiritual component to whole body health and well-being. If I only address the physical, then the first emotional trigger that comes along, you fall off your plan, you eat poor quality foods, lots of sugar and a lot of foods to soothe the emotions….yet these foods make you feel terrible, depressed and sluggish most of the time. Then you berate yourself for eating so poorly, and the cycle starts over.
Often, learning to understand and heal the emotional trigger with loving and compassion causes the trigger to subside. So you choose better options naturally.
I can no longer keep this a secret and pick and choose. It is why I created the Be Whole program. It is actually the underlying reason my hip has hurt for 6+ years. As I embarked on this exciting new healing option using spirituality with nutrition, I got criticized by my family. I sometimes got criticized from my clients or potential clients.
My fear of criticism was greater than my faith that all would work out in God’s plan and I can have fun doing what I do (which is how it really is) helping others transform by releasing their painful stories. I held on to mine and my hip is my indicator of the fear of owning who I am and my full healership.
Be quiet and eat your Twizzlers basically.
After our energetic release session, they stopped eating Twizzlers! They were replaced by better food choices naturally.
That is the beauty of this work – we release the energy that drives you to hurt yourself both physically and mentally.
Once we addressed and healed this trigger which was related to a childhood event of criticism, they were able to choose differently.
My body was reflecting my fear more than my confidence.
My hip was reflecting my business. It was constricted and so the foundation of my business was also restricted. What I thought was safe, my body was saying the opposite….like a tiny annoying voice saying “Go embrace your inner healer!!” with the other voice of fear asking “but what if they don’t get it?”
And with that inner mind battle, my hip got better, but then worse. Until I started really working on those criticisms and fears which started in childhood.
My gifts are to find the real cause of your physical symptoms.
If I hide one of my greatest tools, my intuition and this energetic work, then I am not giving you the help you need to re-balance body, mind, spirit and sport. Here is where I wrote about my challenge with this merging of the nutrition therapy with energy work.
And that is usually emotional stress in addition to the physical stress.
They have a renewed sense of self and how to honor their own needs and make them a priority without over-giving to everyone else. Their compulsions with foods also disappear. The judgements against themselves and their food change.
I love witnessing my clients find more joy in activities and walk away from the people and things that cause their pain. I love witnessing the stress melt away. I love witnessing their life becoming more enjoyable and fulfilling on all levels again. I love watching them raise their vibration to unconditional love of themselves and see all the beauty that already is around them.
Mike Ginnetti says
Great article Joanna!
joanna says
Thank you Mike!