Choosing kindness and loving is simple but not always easy. As you stay calm with some deep breathing, you can ‘see’ what is really going on and respond with compassion rather than react with negativity or violence against yourself or someone else. If we can choose peace, that peace will spread to other areas of our life including our own relationship with ourselves and our relationship with food.
This is a lot of what we work through in private Be Whole sessions, and it will also be included in the Journey To Wellness Bootcamp (starting April 21st) where we devote one session (week 4) to work through those triggers and emotional eating cravings.
Let me know if you have any questions or want to find that place of peace to help guide your decisions. Because you can choose peace, and you deserve peace inside and out.
blessings and peace xo
Happy to share and thank you for reading! Let me know if you have any questions.