The pain of challenging generational beliefs can be complex.
The pain can be emotional or it can be physical. I wrote here about emotional trauma in childhood contributing to physical pain….but what if the pain is coming from stepping out on a new uncharted path of life? One that challenges the beliefs of your family which is passed on from one generation to the next?
Often realizations come after group sessions as well as private Path To Heal energy work sessions. This week, I had several after the group Wholeness session.
I somehow tweaked my knee this past weekend. I didn’t do anything physically awkward to cause it.
It got better, it got worse. It was inexplicable although some may say it is what happens when you turn 50 or older – you just start falling apart.
I used White Fir during our session last night in class and this morning on my knee…..feels better.

Realizing the connection between weekend activities with an ex and when the knee started….it is all connected to following my heart which in direct conflict with family beliefs. My heart says go be and play with your ex-boyfriend. My family would say “NO! He will hurt you again.”
I know in my heart of hearts, I have a connection with him that is real. He has fears as well that are just taking time to heal. I can be patient or I can choose to look for someone new which is what my family believes I ‘should’ do.
Wonder why is the knee hurting now.??…because I am ready to release the fear of criticism following my path. I am ready to truly follow my heart and knowing that I will actually be safe in this relationship even though it does not fit any ‘normal’ parameters. I know this is a sacred union of sorts and we are here to teach each other lessons of forgiveness, compassion and understanding.
The knee instability is about fear of moving forward…into this uncharted terrain and feeling uncertain if it will actually work the way I wish it to.

Maybe the Wholeness group session today at 1 PM will clear more layers of this fear.
Maybe you have a differing manifestation of the same issue….generational belief systems passed on and stuck in your body’s energy field. It can be causing both emotional and physical pain. to get details on how to call in or join in person.
Or schedule your own private Path session to get insights into where your pain is originating from.
Is the pain from generational belief systems you are trying to break free from? Schedule a 15 minute chat and see if we can determine what the next steps ahead are ….without the pain.