Last night, I held my monthly Wholeness Healing Circle where focused on self-care without judgment.
These Wholeness Healing sessions are always inspirational to help us achieve a higher level of loving towards self. It also includes a little healing on a spiritual, emotional and mental level so you can naturally choose things, people, activities and foods that make you feel great. I often get an inspirational Message of Love & Inspiration from my guides to aid in the session. We add some emotional release techniques as well for emotional well being.
Here is that message about self care without judgement and how to re-frame the situation and check in with the body clues. Emotional well-being is only part of self care. Learning to be loving to self is also a less stressful way to be so you can feel more whole, at peace and fulfilled.
Self Care without Judgment
Message of Love, November 18, 2019
My dearest Earth Angles.
You are a rare breed brought here today to step into self love and self care on a greater level.
Although you may know what self care is, you are here to take it yet another level.
As we take care of self on the spiritual, emotional, etheric and mental planes, we can then take better care of our human body on the physical plane.
Your soul has chosen this body for you to take care of as you learn the lessons of this human dimension called Earth. It is your temple. It is the home for your soul. You need to take care of it on all levels so it will serve for long years of health… if you maintain all levels of it.
First choose joy and loving of yourself.
Choose to love all the things you view as flaws as they may actually be one of your God given gifts.
Be loving to self without judgement.
Whether you eat the chocolate or the broccoli, be loving and kind to yourself.
Review the situation at the present time, and notice what emotions are surfacing.
They can be positive or the opposite kind.
Just observe and do not judge.
Just note what the circumstances are and continue to be an observer of your situation.
It is just a situation. A moment of time.
Your only question now is ‘Is this choice loving to me on all levels of my being?’
and if it is not, can you change the viewpoint to make it so?
That is all we ask of you now – be loving to yourself regardless of what choice you made. It is just a choice.
Now just observe and feel how that change makes your body feel.
Feel how that shift in perspective allows for some freedom rather than constriction.
If you continue to feel constriction, allow yourself to breathe into that pain point and constriction and allow it to release.
If it does not release, it is your body asking you to refrain from this punishment in the future.
It is not an easy thing to do at first, and it will get easier in time as you continue to work with this exercise.
Your goal is to choose to be loving to self. At every moment of every day.
This includes not only the food you choose, but the choices you make with the people you hang with and the physical activities you choose. If it is not loving to self, refrain from engaging in it.
If loving self means some solitude, rather than a holiday party, choose solitude.
If you feel constricted with making decisions…it is your clue that it is not the loving choice for you.
In all circumstances, you are asked to be loving to self first and foremost.
When you choose loving acts of kindness to self, you can then be free to share those acts of kindness to others.
Let loving be your guide so that love rules your decisions from this point forward.
God Bless You.
We love you.
Keep moving towards loving
Barush Bashan