For me, being the ‘teacher’, ‘coach’ or ‘leader’, I often find my own experiences are part of creating the empathy for my clients. I create a safe space where you feel comfortable, supported and loved. You know you can share without being judged…and choose love when triggered…whatever the trigger is.
That is my intention – to create a safe space so you can heal inside and out.
Some of know that emotional stuff can lead to food cravings, physical symptoms or re-occurring issues.
We often choose food for comfort – maybe chocolate covered almond for frustration, all kinds of ice cream for fulfillment or maybe cheese to feel a certain level of exhilaration cause we are exhausted.
I am often challenged to learn what the food, emotions, triggers and everything else means just like you. It is different for every person. Although some are common probably meanings.
For years it was family members being my biggest trigger.
Sometimes it was feeling abandoned by a break up. Sometimes criticism for not being right…so obviously I was wrong (but was I always??).
But they were my triggers. My issues. My pains…that I buried.
I was usually defensive in my response…oh wait, no my reactions. I was not calm most times when I was triggered.
You have the choice to wallow in the criticism and hurt (trust me, I did that a lot!), or learn to step outside of your own situation and learn how to choose loving (what I do NOW). So much easier when you choose love when triggered – love of self first!
I laugh sometimes looking back. I used to have horrible eating habits and was fighting my weight all the time trying to ‘find the right diet’ for me. Once I healed the emotional hurts and found my own way of loving me, and sharing that love, the weight issues all went away.
Now I eat what I want, I am happy and I don’t fight my weight. I don’t have to defend my eating – it just is what I choose to eat. It makes me feel good or it doesn’t but it is my choice.
I only now weigh myself just for dehydration monitoring when I ride indoors.
Through my own experiences, I can help you move through your triggers so you can choose loving…which leads to inner peace, joy and fulfillment..without funky food issues, mental anguish, shutting down, running away or weight gain.
My healing tools include Path To Heal energy work, essential oils, and my ministerial principles of loving without judgement. They help me and you choose loving much easier than ever have before. You can breathe, relax and allow the answers to come forward rather than react defensively.
If you can detach from your emotions, you can make a better decisions. Then find a loving resolution to any situation. You remain in a state of calm so you can choose what honors your body’s needs at that moment without guilt. (we talked about that on the Money Matters radio show – link here and below)
Want to release that emotional junk?
Want to step forward without guilt or embarrassment?
This is what the Path To Heal energy work does.
This is why it’s included in the Be Whole program along with nutrition – the physical stuff along with the mental and emotional stuff.
It is what my book, Messages of Love & Inspiration does – provides upliftment in the moment you need it. It’s all related.
Choose loving even when triggered.
I do hold that space for you – my clients & friends – so you can choose loving….loving to yourself so you can then be loving with others.
This week I was challenged by a situation…and was able to ask questions about how the other felts, be calm and find understanding with a calm resolution.
Without confrontation.
And hey, no whacky food funk to go along with the ups and downs of emotional stuff!
If and when you need help with your triggers and/or challenges, schedule some energy work to clear your space first. You may be amazed at how loving the resolution is. (See comment below from one client)
Help yourself and help those around you too!
Learn to respond instead of reacting. With love, hugs and much calm,
#BeWhole #PathToHeal #MSIA