Why buy farm eggs? There is a difference between store bought eggs and farm bought eggs. It might be a bit more work to find the farm variety. I always buy farm eggs whenever possible!
The look of the eggs is only part of the difference. They taste better, they look better and have more nutrients in the farm eggs. From another page, farm eggs from you local farm have more essential fatty acids (the good stuff) which are anti-inflammatory. They have Vit D3, Vit A and Vit E in higher quantities – about 2/3 more than store bought. Athletes need more nutrients as they deplete many of them when training especially for longer distance events including marathons, ultra marathons, Ironman triathlons or ultra cycling events. They are also very easy to digest for most people. The farm raised ones more than conventional or organic store bought ones.
Years ago, I remember getting allergy testing done and eggs were on my list. It was hard for me to avoid, but I did for 2-3 months. Every time I did have something with eggs in it, I broke out with boils on my face 2-3 days later. So it was easy to avoid them. I then did have a craving for an egg, and had an organic one then a farm raised one. I dawned on me 15 years ago that the feed is different. So what you feed the chicken is what ends up in the egg and the yolk. Feed your chicken soy and corn, and you will more likely have digestive issues or skin eruptions like I did. This also holds true for the chicken! From then on, I rarely bought anything but organic eggs. But then I discovered farm eggs. Now I only buy farm eggs!
The farm chickens are not only free range, but they eat bugs. Chickens don’t eat just grass – so don’t be fooled by the labels claiming the eggs are from grass fed chickens! They eat anything and everything in the grass. Click here for a list of what chickens eator. Or here for another resource. The farm raised chickens are also usually half the price of the organic ones in the store. I just bought 2 dozen eggs for $3.00 per dozen vs. $5.79 for the organic eggs in the grocery store. It might be convenient to get the eggs in a store, but buy farm eggs.
The farm eggs taste better, and are much more satisfying, too. I cannot eat more than 2 at any given time, even in an omelet. And I feel less hungry with the farm eggs. I usually am starving after regular eggs in 2 hours or less. With the farm eggs, I can last almost 3 hours!
Buy farm fresh eggs from your local farmer. I found this farm online in a Facebook forum for Online Yard sale in my county! It was well worth the trip. You can find more information about farm eggs here. You might be able to find a way to have your own chickens, or check here or here for where you can buy local farm eggs.