This is a Message of Love I channeled in this morning for Valentine's Day 2016. Can we share love beyond Valentine's Day? I think we can. Why wait til this one day when we can do this every day?? It may take work, but so worth it! Sharing love beyond Valentine's Day On this … [Read more...]
When your family tries to change you
By joanna
I received this Message of Love the Monday before Thanksgiving, 2015. It coincided with the Path To Holiday Bliss I was offering that same night. It really touches upon how we get hurt while growing up yet how we can choose love and compassion and be completely our authentic … [Read more...]
When God Speaks, Listen
By joanna

Nov 3 a Message of Unconditional Love When God speaks, we need to listen. How does he speak to us? He sometimes speaks in words. He sometimes speaks in pictures, in inspiration. He sometimes enters our hearts and leads us in a direction we may not understand, but we feel warmth … [Read more...]
God is like the Moon
By joanna

God is like the Moon When you wake up in the dark, you can sometimes feel lost, scared and abandoned. If you keep you eyes closed, you may fall back to sleep and go back to dreaming. You may decide to use the light of the moon to aid in your waking and allow the light of the … [Read more...]
When you feel invisible
By joanna

sept 24 - messages of love When you feel invisible, take a deep breath and connect with the feeling in your heart feel the warmth of God inside you feel this heat radiating and enveloping your body and your being Focus on this feeling of love and know that you are not invisible … [Read more...]