Have your felt worried about the future?
I am sure this is a common feeling of uncertainty with the current pandemic.
Often times, this worry can also cause physical pain which you may not realize is related.
I was working with a client this week who has been working with me regularly for over a year.
We have done both energy therapy and nutrition in the Be Whole program, helping them align with their unique needs to fuel their body, mind and soul. They have made much progress and working through triggers is often why we continue to work together as the triggers come up to move through them with love, compassion and understanding.
This week, while asking what was going on, they mentioned their fear of uncertainty currently. They had also experienced a job loss and uncertainty there as well. Add the with the pandemic, isolation and their elderly mother falling and being in the hospital, there was quite a bit of uncertainty and totally understandable that they were in a state of worry, fear and anxiety!
Because we have worked together, nutrition was actually not an issue as eating, exercising and sleeping felt fluid and easy even now in the current climate.
As we worked through our session with energy therapy using The Path To Heal system, we were able to identify where the energy flow and creativity was stifled and re-align them with what it is they wanted and release the fear and worry of uncertainty.
At the end of the session, they felt they had clear focus of their future and felt reaffirmed on where their intentions need to be. They also mentioned the knot in the stomach subsided, and so did the tension and pain in the shoulders and back.
That wasn’t even mentioned at the beginning as an issue of pain! The pain in the shoulders and back was due to feeling like the weight of all the decisions in the world were piled on. The stomach pain was where their creativity was blocked. And this is their intuition giving them feedback as to where misalignment is present.
The cards below were used during the session as a reminder to breathe, connect with their God center, feel and see the angels & beauty around them and know their truth… which is that ‘all you need is love’ (so we played the Beatles song on YouTube!). The breathe allows you to move out of the head and into calm where the heart can speak. It also allows you to be present to what you need to do next, and allow the heart to lead your next actions.
In this case, focusing on their own inspirational vision is the key to keeping them out of fear and worry. It allows for choosing from your heart rather than choosing based on should-be decisions. Their truth is that focusing on their inspirational vision with love keeps them moving forward.
“This is a great reminder as when I do focus on loving me more, things always work out well!”.
The angel card was partially a tool to remind them to breathe and connect with their angels, but it was also a reminder that they are an angel in the work they do for so many of the people around them. It had a dual meaning, which I sent to them so they have a reminder on their phone to use when those triggers arise and they can be reminded of how to best move forward with grace and ease.
It was so nice to see the shift happen in the session and the client go from anxiety to ‘I’ve got this’ and feel not just hope but giddiness about the future.
Let me know if you have a challenge with moving through you anxiety, pain or worry!
These Be Whole sessions can be so helpful to move through your uncertainty with love, understanding and compassion. Even when you don’t realize you have body pain, we work through the anxiety, fear and worry or uncertainty and pain you didn’t know you had will go away.
Then you can re-align with who you are….so when a stressful trigger shows up, you know how to move through the trigger with more grace and ease. In this case, a reminder to breathe and focus on their inspirational vision with love, and the pain body released and clarity was created.