The past 7+ months, I have been dealing with hip pain. No, not the one I had replaced, but the ‘good’ one. I pulled a muscle in the other thigh/quad playing tennis…and it seemed to have been all better last year with all my riding and return to running and my first triathlon in years.
But in February, when I was actually doing less, my ‘good’ hip started to really hurt and ache. I went to a physical therapist, a massage therapist who also did cranio sacral/ emotional work, continued my anti-inflammatory work and yoga. It got better then worse. A lot worse.
What was my hip pain trying to tell me??
I have always known there is a direct relationship between emotional traumas from childhood and health symptoms. I finally understand how that actually works and how these events that cause emotional trauma appear later in life.
Guess I had to experience it to know it IS true.
Pain and symptoms are the body’s messengers to us that something is out of alignment.
Not just physically, but emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually.
I have mentioned this emotional relationship before, and how unresolved emotional trauma contributes to health negatively. But with this hip, it was pain. A lot of pain.
Wow, what a realization when I actually asked my hip what it needed on a recent ‘hip rehab ride’:
“Why are you so cranky? What is going on???”
There didn’t seem to be any physical reason so it had to be something else. So what was my hip pain trying to tell me??
I asked…..then I listened. (yes, I did the harder part!)
It turned out I was scared.
Scared that I accepted an intern into my practice – “What the hell can I teach her?” I thought to myself. (Btw, she is great! check out the intern special for $77)
I was scared of criticism and not being understood if I talked about spiritual and emotional stuff which is not linear work.
But this is who I am. My intuition is one of my gifts. My healership is not a flaw but my uniqueness where I can get to the root of your symptoms when no one else can.
I did my own emotional release techniques with the Path To Heal work….and yup, there it was.
The emotional trauma my body wanted me to heal:
When I was 5, I got punished for hugging and kissing my new best friend in kindergarten. (and you know I am a hugger!) We had just moved to Chicago from England at the end of April. I liked Larry, and showed him that. All I remember is that standing in the corner feeling rejected.
I showed my true colors and got punished.
So if I show my true colors now….I will get punished.
Once that emotional release was complete, guess what happened??
My hip stopped hurting.
And now, I am not doing hip rehab everything like before, but am starting to actually get back into shape and regain my fitness…and be the athlete I naturally am as well.
For me, my hip pain is my fear of standing in my power and abilities.
For you, it may mean something else.
For me, it was an emotional experience that left a negative imprint in my body.
You can call it healing the inner child. My 5 year old child needed a hug and tell her it was all ok.
And it is now.
If you have pain, I have both a physical anecdote, the anti-inflammatory plan, and emotional release technique using The Path To Heal system. Don’t worry, nothing will hurt! It will stop hurting 🙂
If you would like to experience this emotional release work, schedule your Wonder session, a full hour or a 3-session package to amplify the movement to health, vibrancy, peace joy and no pain.
What is your pain trying to tell you? Together we can help you know.