I heard a psychotherapist mention that "after all of this, there will be plenty of PTSD issues to work through". This also means that there will be plenty of people who under this chronic pandemic stress, will also have GI distress, IBS or increased pain issues. When the body is … [Read more...]
Why am I so Tired?
Why am I so tired? Seems to be a common question. It is a common issue I work with when working with clients. Heck, I went through my own adrenal exhaustion so I know a few reasons why you are tired. There is a connection between stress, how you feel and how you eat, move and … [Read more...]
More than nutrition therapy
Over 15 years ago, I started my nutrition therapy business to assist clients in improving health with "better nutrition through better nutrition education". As any business owner knows, your business can morph and change. It can evolve into something you didn't set out to do … [Read more...]